Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to be a Yachty | Part 4: Interviews with Crew Agents

Preparation is a key factor to a successful interview. Take this post into account before you present yourself to Crew Agents. Remember, this industry is a career for many people, you need to behave in a professional manner.

Before I start this I need to get something out of the way. There are many crew who do not like using Agents for one reason or another, some find them condescending, or out of touch.  Others find them irritating. Here is what you need to know though, you are the commodity that any Agent is trading, they will earn commission on placing you on the right boat. They want you succeed. They may want to check your references tirelessly and change your CV and criticize your poor experience levels but at the end of the day they do need the best candidates in order to earn their commission. I have changed my CV SO many times for these people and I grumble when I’m doing it but when I get into an interview situation with a Captain they will always comment on the strength of my resume.

Come Prepared:

Always take a spare copy of your most current CV and written references as well as any marine related certificates you hold. The Agents will most likely carry copies of these but a situation may arise where they left them somewhere or the Internet broke and you will be there to save the day. Big Points.

Know what you are looking for. What position? How big would you like the boat to be? Would you like a permanent position? Are you interested in temping? What sort of crew are you looking for? What would you like the boat itinerary to be? Private or charter? Salary? Cabin arrangements?

Be Ready for Uncomfortable Questions:

They always will always ask really irritating questions that you would rather not answer but do your best. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you not have any yachting experience? What makes you think you can step out of an office / school / university and become a successful crew member? NEVER answer that your biggest weakness is working too hard. Never. That is a lie. Also, NEVER tell me you are a ‘neat freak’ being a neat person doesn’t mean you can clean and work long hours. This is a boat, you share a cabin, being neat is a prerequisite. It is not an achievement. Neatness should be conveyed through your appearance and demeanor. Which brings us to…

Self Presentation:

This is really important. Make sure your hair is clean and tied back, don’t wear flowers or glittery headbands or anything distracting. You are not going to an interview to look cute. Boys, don’t wear an excessive amount of product, just enough to look groomed. Also, shave. If your beard grows fast then shave 10 minutes before your interview. Nails are also really important, they should be short and clean. Girls, if you are wearing nail varnish just a clear top coat or a very pale nude colour are all you need. No nail art, no French Manicures, no bright colours. And for the love of all things on this earth NO CHIPPED POLISH. Make up should be minimal, a tinted moisturizer, cream blush and a little mascara is all you need. Brown mascara is even better. You just want a slightly enhanced face.

Now, classic yacht colours are navy, beige and white so try and stick to these for an interview. Wear a polo shirt tucked into capri pants or long trousers for interviews, girls can also wear skorts if they like. You can wear other colours if you like but make sure your clothes are plain, no graphic tees please.  You can wear boat shoes, girls can also get away with a little ballet flat or a slight professional looking heel. Remember, you are going to meet with the Agent in their office, they have all made an effort to look smart, you should too. NO FLIP FLOPS.

Be Calm:

There is no reason to be nervous here, all you are doing is presenting yourself in a way that your CV cannot. The Agent will want to get a feel for your personality – this is not to say you should make it a personality showcase – keep calm, speak in a tone that is pleasing, if you are South African don’t say ‘ja’ all the time, make sure you are always smiling. Not like deranged mental patient, just a relaxed “I’m totally listening to what you are saying and finding it very interesting “ smile. Your face looks prettiest when you are smiling. Be engaging too, don’t just answer questions ‘yes’ or ‘no’, sell yourself a little. People like me because I come across happy and warm in interviews, people like my husband because he comes across level – headed, attentive and relaxed. (We are not always like this in real life)

Practice in the mirror, record yourself, make sure what you are saying sounds natural and unscripted and is a true reflection of yourself. Don’t waffle about how amazing you are. Find a succinct way to answer questions you know you will be asked. Have back up statements ready for the one word answer type questions.

I think that is it really. Oh. Sit up straight and fold your hands (not your arms) in front of you or in your lap. It’s like preschool.

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