Sunday, March 24, 2013

Skincare for Seafarers

Skincare tips for yachties / lazy people / people who don’t have all that much time

I don’t want to say I have always been very rigorous with my skincare routine because I haven’t to be honest. I always wash my face and moisturize, sometimes I tone and sometimes I exfoliate. I had a small problem with acne when I was growing up but it calmed down once I got older and now I get the occasional blemish / break out patch. I have never felt like I had problem skin though, I had never felt the need to pour luxurious products all over my face. I thought those things were for old people. Until I realized that I was maybe getting on in years and that I should perhaps amend my routine accordingly.

Also, working on boats means that you are at sea most of the time, or at least exposed to sea air and lots of sun. If that is not the case you are probably in a shipyard and that is even worse. My skin is at it’s poorest in shipyards, so much dirt flying about.  I wiped my face down the other day after going out for a quick cycle and the little cotton pad came out black. I was horrified and ever since then I have become rather pedantic with my routine.

Now, being on a boat also means that you have little time for lengthy routines and little space for all sorts of different face potions so I have been forced to choose rather wisely. I do tend to change up products, but I am very strict not to buy too many different ones that do the same thing at the same time.

So here it is:

Sleep is very important, if I can maximize sleeping in time I have won. So my morning routine is very basic.
-       Cleanse
-       Tone
-       Apply eye cream
-       Moisturize (making sure the moisturizer has a high SPF – if I know I will be outside for a lot of the day I apply sunscreen on top of that – and wear a hat and sunglasses, people will make fun of me now but I will always be the one with the fewest wrinkles)

I tend to have slightly more time in the evenings and also the appeal of ‘washing the day off’ tends to make me more inclined to lengthen my routine slightly.
-       Pre Cleanse
-       Cleanse
-       Tone
-       Exfoliate
-       Apply eye cream
-       Moisturize
-       Apply serum

I use ‘weekly’ loosely, sometimes I can achieve it but I mainly do these things when I have a good old chance.
-       Apply face mask
-       Steam and essential oil massage
-       Apply teabags to my eyes

Now, the tips I have are mainly for yachties but I’m pretty sure they are universally applicable. As I mentioned before we do live in small spaces and share bathrooms with other crew, if we are chartering then there is barely time for anything other than sleep and we do subject our skin to very harsh elements. There is a reason for those fishermen looking the way they do. I don’t want you girls (and boys mind you) looking like old fishermen.

-       When choosing new products always get a sample. Try it for a few days before you commit to buying the big bottle, that way you will not be cluttering your cabin with something that you may not like and be too lazy to return.
-       If you have found something you like (and you are in a major port – I usually do this in America) order enough of it online to last you a season. The last thing you want is to run out of something and have to pay to have it shipped to the Caribbean, only for it to be lost / seized by customs.
-       Often online stores will offer discounts, free samples and free shipping so keep that in mind too.
-       If you are in a shipyard pre cleansing is very important and you should be washing your face three or four times a day. I know it is harsh but during these times I use a very gentle, fragrance and alcohol free cleanser and just keep moisturizing. At night wash your face after taking a shower.
-       If you are going to be outside, especially when you are underway, layer your sunscreen. Choose a moisturizer with a high SPF, layer a sunscreen on top of that. If I have guests on board and I am wearing make up I will use a foundation with an SPF and a loose powder with an SPF. Lots of layers but I don’t look burnt or weather beaten ever.
-       Do your own facials, unless you have a therapist you know and love it is better to treat your own skin. If you share your cabin with other girls then make a night of it. Exchange tips, it will strengthen the group dynamic and give you something else to do besides rushing off to the nearest bar.
-       Wash your pillowcase often. Wash your sheets often too, but you don’t want to be putting your face onto a germy old pillow each night.
-       Obviously going to the beach is a big part of being a yachty. Your boat is probably in a prime location, you have no guests, go ahead go and take photos of you and your mates frolicking about in the turquoise water but keep applying sunscreen. Once every 30 minutes at least. When you get back to the boat make sure to properly remove all the build up and give your skin a treat.
-       Try get enough sleep, sometimes it is hard but if I ever need a rest at a difficult time where people may be in and out of the cabin I always wear eyeshades and put my iPod on.

Ok, I hope this helped J

Have good ones.

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